Saturday, December 19, 2009

Why human resource management is important for an organization?

when any organization start to visionize their business, their first priority is to hier competent work force means right person on the right job after that this man power decide about other tangible and intangible resources, where to get? how to get? how to manage efficiently?what modification required?. essencely, other resources depends on human resource without which they are worthless because if their would be no human then who will plan, organize, or monitor the other resources. The manager is recocnized as a holder of organization by his knowledge and art.

the running of these arts and knowledge needs supporter which called staffs and are human resource of the an organization.

HR can improve the level of managment ,be helper to increse the efficiency,and let the manager to be effective.

How can manage the HR would be a very important rule during period of management.

So Human resource is as a strategic assets of an organization.

With out co-operation of HR there are NO:

1-compony for plans 2-helper for executive programe 3-running the aims and getting

the feedbacks 4-suport of efficiency 5-making the product attraction for cosumer point of view

Why human resource management is important for an organization? I try to answer briefly:

The manager is recocnized as a holder of organization by his knowledge and art.

the running of these arts and knowledge needs supporter which called staffs and are human resource of the an organization.

HR can improve the level of managment ,be helper to increse the efficiency,and let the manager to be effective.

How can manage the HR would be a very important rule during period of management.

So Human resource is as a strategic assets of an organization.

With out co-operation of HR there are NO:

1-compony for plans 2-helper for executive programe 3-running the aims and getting

the feedbacks 4-suport of efficiency 5-making the product attraction for cosumer point of view

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